चाणक्यः नीतिः प्रथमः अध्यायः ५ श्लोकाः(Chanakya Niti First Chapter 5 Verse)

चाणक्यः नीतिः प्रथमः अध्यायः ५  श्लोकाः(Chanakya Niti First Chapter 5 Verse)अचार्य चाणक्य उनके  रचित चाणक्य नीति में बहुत सारे नीति वाणी दे चुके हैं I  उनके चाणक्य नीति में  17 अध्याय है और बाकी अवशिष्ट अध्याय जो कि चाणक्य के मुख्य नीति सूत्र है I हम आप लोगों के लिए प्रथम अध्ययन का कुछ लोग पानी वाले हैं I जो कि आपको पसंद लगे I संस्कृत साहित्य जगत में  चाणक्य जानी-मानी  महापुरुष है I उनके द्वारा रचित चाणक्य नीति   और भी जाना पहचाना है I

चाणक्यः नीतिः प्रथमः अध्यायः ५  श्लोकाः(Chanakya Niti First Chapter 5 Verse)

मूर्ख शिष्योपदेशेन दुष्टास्त्री भरणेन च ।
दुःखितैः संप्रयोगेण पण्डितोऽप्यव सीदति ॥

                There are many intelligent people in the world. But they also suffer. What will the wise man suffer? By this same proclamation, we will know. By teaching a foolish disciple, by nurturing an evil woman, with unhappy people. By misbehaving, even a wise person has to suffer.

दुष्टाभर्या शठमित्रं त्याश्चोत्तरदातयकः ।
समर्पेत च गृहे पासो मृत्युरेव न संशयः ॥

                  In the same verses, Acharya Chanakya is saying that Katibhashini and the wicked self-respecting woman, sixty friend, and servant answering to the owner's words, if a human being lives in a snake-dwelling house, invites or embraces death, Similarly, if such a human remains, his death is sure.

आपादर्थे धनं रक्षेद् दारान् रक्षेद्धनैरपि ।
आत्मानं सततं रक्षेत् दारैरपि धर्मैरपि ॥

                  In the opinion of Acharya Chanakya, wealth should be collected during the time of calamity, you should protect your wife more than them, if you have to pay anything for a woman, do not hesitate, but protect yourself more than money and wife. Should, because who can benefit from wealth and wife from destruction of themselves? That is why a person needs to abandon everything for self-defense and save his life first.

आपादर्थे धनं रक्षेद्श्रियतां कुत आपदः ।
कदाचिकलिता लक्ष्मी संचितोःपि वनिश्यति ॥

                  In the opinion of Acharya Chanakya, a person should accumulate wealth to protect himself from bad days. When the problem comes over Ghansali people, we can solve the problem that we have with the behavior of money. But sometimes the accumulated wealth Also goes which we cannot take.

यस्मिन् देशे न सम्मनो न वृत्तिः न च वान्धवाः 
न विध्याऽऽगमः  कश्चित् तं देशं परिवर्जयेत् ॥

                 In the same verses, Acharya Chanakya has said that: Who should leave their country or their place immediately. In the opinion of Acharya Chanakya, the country where there is no facility for the attainment of respect, livelihood, master and parent education. A person should not even live in the same country and immediately abandon the same place.

 हरि ॐ

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